Our Vision

4 Voices is a for-purpose organisation and registered charity with the ACNC.

Our Vision is a world where any girl or woman who feels unhappy, threatened or alone can find her voice.


  • We celebrate that everyone is different, unique but equal.

  • We love innovation and our support varies according to each persons need.

  • We believe in doing the right thing, regardless of who is or who is not watching.

  • We really want to help others because its the right thing to do.

  • Everyone should have equal rights and status regardless of their situation.

  • If we each respect ourselves, we make good choices

Make a donation.

Each of our vans enables us to make over 3,200 connections with vulnerable individuals every month across 26 communities.

With more vans, we can extend our reach to even more communities and provide essential support, particularly to girls and women seeking change. 

The facts today
